24 November 2010

What I Have Been Doing at Home

I hate to start out with, "I cannot believe how long it has been since I posted", mostly because I do not want to point out that it has been a very long time. So not only has it been a long time, I am pointing it out.
This is what I have been doing:
It is called trigonometry. I have a vague idea of what it's purpose is. For me it is mostly pages and pages of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing not only numbers and letters, but words, too. I like the math where you add words. I would like to add a word to the numbers in my bank account. Like million. That is a good word. If I add a million to each side of the equation, it should work out. That is a rule, right?
Notice the page at the top of this picture. It says "MEMORIZE". It is craziness.
I did memorize it. I may have forgotten it though. Along with everything else I learned in trig.
Please forget that I can be a slacker blogger.